You've grown so much in 3 months as well as learned so many new tricks. You can roll and scoot to any destination to find anything that you can fit in your mouth. You can pull yourself up to standing on your toys. You've gotten so loud! When you're tired you let the whole neighborhood know about it. You eat and eat and makes you organic food in the food processor and you just gobble it up. You like to clap your hands to music or when ever you feel like being cute. You hold your hands up to us when you want to be picked up. You love taking baths!
One of our favorite games is to chase you while one of us runs holding you. You giggle until we catch you and then you just scream and laugh. It makes me melt.
A moment ago you woke up from your sleep whimpering so I went in and scooped you up in my arms. I rocked you against me and you fell right back to sleep. You're growing up so fast that I just wanted to look at you while you slept in my arms. One day you'll be to big or to grown up to let me hold you. I'll miss it but I'll always remember and always want to be there to make sure you sleep safe. Good night sweet boy.
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